Fundamental object of Ayurveda is not limited  only  to   prevention and cure of the diseases but to provide bliss for complete happiness by maintaining total health called chaturvidha purushartha i.e. (Dharma(virtuous Acts)Artha((Possessing  appropriately required wealth with judicious means)Kama(Gratification of Desires)Moksha(Emancipation/Salvation). Accordingly foundation of Ayurveda science is based on the ancient philosophy which are  fundamental sciences of the ancient Indian think tank.

As Roga(Disease)  is a  great obstacle in attainment of these objects the science of Ayurveda is meant to provide assistance in the achievement of the basic goals  by providing absolute health to all creatures on the earth in general and  human in pericular.

Following are the ten single and combination of Dosha can be arrived  and nomenclated after matching the first and second mejority of matching traits

3 single – Dosha types (Ekadoshaja)

  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha

1 three – Dosha type (Tridoshaja/sannipataja)

  • Vata – Pitta – Kapha

6 two – Dosha types (Dwandwaja)

  • Vata – Pitta
  • Pitta – Vata
  • Pitta – Kapha
  • Kapha – Pitta
  • Kapha – Vata
  • Vata – Kapha


FACE /FOREHEADSmall, irregularMediumLargeAttractive
BODY WEIGHTLeanAverageHefty
BODYSTRUCTURETallMediumShort / Stocky
SKINRoughTendency todarkenSmooth,Copper colored,Acne/pimplesBrightSmoothAttractive
EYESSmallProtruding,Scanty eyelashesColored iris,Sharp eyelashesLargeAttractive EyesThick Eyebrows
NAILSRoughDryIrregularCrackedGlossyCopper coloredLongWhiteStrongSmoothThick
TEETHCrackedIrregularDull whiteModerate,YellowPlaqueLargeWhiteWtrong
LIPSDryThinDiscoloredDark toneGlossyMediumCopper coloredThickFullGlossySmooth
BODYHAIRScantyIrregularModerateFaint coloredPlentyThickStrong tone
SCALP HAIRRoughDryIrregularBreakingScanty, baldness,greyingPlentyThickGlossy
JOINTSProminentCracking noiseFlabbyStrongWell definedCompact
CHESTThinRibs prominentMediumMuscularStrong
TONGUEDryDark spotsThinCopper coloredCleanThick


Body strengthWeakModerateStrong
Blood VesselsProminent,ReticulatedLess Prominent,GreenishDeep Seated,Not visible Easily
Body TemperatureCold,Less than NormalHot, above normalNormal
PulseIrregular, quickFast,Less volumeSlow Voluminous
Body OdorNoneFoul smellOily smell
VoiceFast, IrritatingSharp, CommandingSoft,Sweet,Reasonating
WalkVeryQuick,Swirlling moveNormalSlow ,Steady
Performance of ActivityQuick ActingModerateStagnant


Power of DigestionIrregularPowerfulWeak
Ability to bear HungeerIrregularPoorVerygood
ThirstIrregularVery OftenSeldom
Requirement of food in quantityIrregular(Large/Small)HeavyNormal
Desire for the taste in foodSweet,Sour,SaltySweet,Bitter,AstringentPungent,Astringent,Bitter
Bowel conditionsIrregularLoose or Semisolid stoolRegular well formed stool

Psychic charecteristics

Grasping AbilityVery FastQuickSlow
MemmoryIrregularShort term-ExcellentLong term-WeakPowerfulWeakLong term-Good
EmotionsWaveringExtreme happiness or SadnessAngryCalmAttached
DreamFlyingClimbingMotionsViolanceWater bodiesRomance
Sexual DesireWaveringModerateExcessiveDeep
Talk,Speech PatternVery fastStammeringMissing words during the speechSharpProvocativeSlowResonantclear
Excitability TemperamentQuick Initiative,ModerateVery slowLethargic


Prakriti Vata, Pitta, Kapha are mostly of these doshas or there are also two such doshas like Vata Pittaj, Kapha Pittaj, Pittakaphaj, Vatakaphaj, Kaphavataj.

Even if there are two doshaja natures, only the main dosha is considered.

Although nature is fixed from birth, it never changes, so once nature is decided that what kind of diet you should take? How to live Which season should be purified? (Ritucharya) It is easy to tell, and accordingly, as soon as the day sequence / season sequence is prepared, it keeps on maintaining health.

Is your nature Kapha-Dominant ?

Diet: A person of this nature will have pungent/bitter juices, fenugreek, bitter gourd will include these vegetables.

Avoid milk, curd, milk products, more sweet, sago, rice, bananas, refrigerator water, cilantro, pickles, as far as possible, avoid taking milk at night, then add ginger / turmeric in the morning Take it.

Rest, stop sleeping in the afternoon, sleep early at night and get up early in the morning, if possible in the morning / evening, do walking or physical exercise, if it is necessary to sleep in the afternoon, sleep on a comfortable chair, do not sleep more than 15 minutes.

Potential Diseases A person with these natures is likely to suffer from cold, cough, asthma, heaviness of the head, heaviness, gastritis, diabetes, blood pressure, skin disorders, allergies, obesity, etc.

Follow the above tips regularly.

In the spring season (February, March, April) do vamana karma (removal of phlegm by the classical method by vomiting) for Kapha purification. Take Triphala powder every night and a spoonful of honey in the morning.

Is your nature Pitta-Dominant?

If food is possible to a person of this nature, then sweet, bitter juices should be given importance. These people like pungent, sour salty (pickled curd) in large quantities. They are naturally troublesome for nature, a person with pitta prakriti should always give up HURRY-CURRY-WORRY i.e. rubbing-spicy substances and worries.

Avoidance – Toor dal, gram dal, curd, lemon, pickle, black masala, more salt, more peanuts, fried foods, brinjal, guar, more tea, bajra bhakri, idli, dosa should be avoided (all these should be avoided in small quantity. I don’t mind taking it)

A person with Aaram Pitta does not face any problem by being regular in his day-to-day life. Taking food on time, avoiding awakening at night, avoiding afternoon sleep and keeping the mind calm and happy. Anxiety, mental stress is the main cause of Pitta Prakriti of today’s era.

Advice – A person with pitta nature should eat food on time as far as possible, take milk plus good food in the morning, take breakfast of vegetable bread at 9:00 am, eat food at 12:00 pm, eat food at 7:00 pm, one spoon triphala at night Take powder, if milk can be silent at night, then sleep early at night, keep locks happy, do not tamper with pine, pine increases bile, use an umbrella cap while going in the sun, take cold foods in summer or October in the month of September Or if there is an outbreak of bile naturally in the month of October, then a person takes laxatives once a day every year, that contaminated Raktmokshana therapy purifies a large amount of perfume, so if possible, a person of this nature has taken laxatives to remove the disease must be done.

Is your nature Vaat-Dominent?

Diet – A person with these natures, possibly sweet, sour, salty substances containing these juices should be included, such as a nutritious diet of sweet and good ghee that gives strength to the body. The person of these nature should avoid taking tur dal, gram dal, brinjal, guar, more peanuts, more cold foods.

Rest – Eating irregular food, frequent travel, overwork, not going to drink in the open air continuously, it can lead to Vata outbreak, so keep the above mentioned things in mind.

Potential disease – It is necessary to quench the matter, otherwise asthma, weakness, sciatica, sciatica, headache, blood pressure, month’s disease, sleeplessness, heart diseases may occur in future.

Advice – The person of these nature should probably take food on time, avoid diet in the outbreak. Take milk + ghee in the morning, take more cold water / stay in a cool place / avoid the constant essence, do not remain empty stomach. Take Gandharva Haritaki / Triphala powder with lukewarm water every night. Varsha Ritu (Rain) Due to this being a time of outbreak, take Ayurvedic Basti therapy (medicinal enema) anytime during this season. Basti therapy, being a quencher of the matter, is immediately effective on all types of gout diseases. Apart from Vata patient, this therapy should be taken by people of every nature.