What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is the most important part of Ayurveda, the world’s oldest system. By this the body gets purified. Due to which diseases are eliminated from the root.Through Panchakarma we can eliminate the toxins, free radicals, vata, pitta, and kapha dosh etc.

Ayurvedic medicines show their effect in the body very soon after Panchakarma.

There are mainly five types of Panchakarma-

1 Vaman
2 Virechana
3 Basti
4 Nasya
5 Raktmokshan.

Apart from these, there are some other auxiliary deeds as well-

1 Snehana
2 Swedana
3 Shirodhara
4 Local basti
5 Udvartan Karma

Vamana Karma

Body deformed kapha dosha after purvakarma to expel it from the mouth through vomiting is vamana karma.

Uses- All Kapha diseases like shortness of breath, cough, chronic cold, high cholesterol, blood pressure, uterine diseases, skin disorders (psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo), psychosis, diabetes etc. / A healthy person should also get vaman done in the spring.

Virechana Karma

Mutilation of the body after previous karma excretion of bile dosha from the renal tract with fecesremoval is virechana karma.

Uses – All gall diseases such as acidity, inflammation of the stomach, blisters, gallstones (gadt), cold pitta (urticaria), itching of the feet, jaundice etc. Autumn to ordinary people too (September-October-November)

Basti Karma

The process of transporting medicinal substances to the body through the anus is called Basti Karma.

Use- This is the best medicine for gout diseases, such as rheumatism, rheumatism, joint pain, bone diseases, paralysis, bladder and womb diseases etc. Vasti karma should be done, normal person should also do vasti karma in rainy season.

These three actions can be called the (Tial Vaccine) of Ayurveda because of these, Vamana in the spring, Varati in the rainy season and Virechana in the autumn, respectively, causes diabetes (diabetes), heart attack (heart attack) and hypertension (high blade- pressure) can be relieved.

Raktamokshana Karma

In this, the impure blood is taken out by the ceremonial action.

Uses- It is used in pitta, blood and skin disorders such as acidity, migraine, psoriasis, pimples, sciatica nerves etc.

Nasya Karma

The treatment is used through the nose.

Uses- It is used for diseases occurring in the upper part of the body such as headache (migraine), mental diseases, insomnia, diseases of the nose, ears, throat, paralysis of the mouth, early whiteness and hair fall, dark circles under the eyes. Wrinkles and spots on the face, use in hormone related diseases etc.

Shirodhara Karma

Shirodhara is to release the medicinal oil, milk, decoction in the form of a stream, between the two eyebrows on the head.

It is used for diseases of the brain and Vata nerves, epilepsy, mental weakness, anxiety, tension, irritability, insomnia, skin diseases, blood pressure, mental and emotional relaxation, concentration, intelligence, confidence, and memory power.


Uttarbasti – Uttarbasti is a type of Panchakarma, in which the patient is purified according to the dosha and the medicine is delivered to the bladder through urine/Venus route in men, Uttarbasti is beneficial in the following situations.

1 Azoospermia (absence of sperms)

2 Oligospermia (low sperm count)

3 Decreased male potency

4. Narrowing of urinary/venous tract

In women, the medicine is delivered to the uterus by Uttar Basti, it is useful in these conditions – –

1. Closure of fallopian tubes

2. Having a cyst in the ovary

3 Lack of ovulation

4. Hormonal problems

5 weakening of the uterus

6. Menstrual irregularities

7 Other menstrual problems etc.


Kati Basti

If you want to relieve any lower back tension, Kati Basti is for you. This specialized therapy relieves and nourishes the lower back using herbal oils or ghee.

Griva Basti

Greeva Basti is pouring the neck region with medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. The procedure does oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously.

Janu Basti

The name Janu Basti is given to the procedure done on knee joints. In this the knee joint is poured with warm medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction.

Hridaya Basti

Hridaya basti is the treatment where specially prepared warm medicated oil is poured over the chest wall in a container built around the chest area