About Hair Fall

Hair fall has become a very common problem nowadays, every other person is suffering from it. Every day many hairs of the head also fall and new hairs also come again. The real problem starts when the number of new hairs coming in is less and the number of hairfalls increases a lot. In this condition, baldness starts. The problem of hairfall affects boys and girls equally, but, the problem of baldness is mostly occurs in boys.

Major causes of Hair Fall

  1. Long-term illnesses – In a person with long-term illnesses like Anemia, Jaundice, Thyroid, PCOD/PCOS, Covid 19, Typhoid, Dengue, etc. hair fall also may occur.
  2. Dandruff and fungal infections on the scalp – Dandruff and fungal infections are one of the commonest causes of hair loss in any age group.
  3. Nutritional deficiency – Low level of vitamin B and lack of essential nutrients, protein deficiency, iron and calcium deficiencies are common regions for hair fall.
  4. Stress – A stressful lifestyle can precipitate a number of diseases in the body including hairball.
  5. Incorrect hair care products – Using incorrect hair care products is one of the commonest causes of hair fall for example, an anti-dandruff shampoo, conditioners, oil, hair color, etc.
  6. Heredity – Genetic variabilities can trigger hairball.

Why Ayurvedic Treatment is Best for hair fall and graying of hair.

In Ayurveda treatment, treatment plan is made for every person according to his nature, physical disease and mental condition. Ayurveda does not work on the same medical principles, pre-determined for different types of people. That is why the success ratio in Ayurveda treatment of hair fall and graying of hairs is very high.Treatment does not require modern and expensive investigations and equipment, so Ayurvedic treatment is very easily affordable for everyone. Steroids and chemicals are not used in this treatment, so it is non-habit forming and devoid of side effects.
Therefore, adopt Ayurvedic treatment and instead of side effects, enjoy easily available, affordable Ayurvedic treatment with side benefits.

Treatment protocols that we offers for hair fall and graying of hairs.

Treatment protocols

1. Biopurification of the body through Ayurvedic Panchkarma like Vaman Karma, Virechan Karma, Basti Karma, rakt mokshan, nasya karma, shirodhara, etc.

2. Non habit forming non steroid pure Ayurvedic Oshadhis.

3. Costomised Ayurvedic diet chart.

4. Panchkarma chikitsa gives a quick response to hair fall and graying of hairs.

5. Satvavjay chikitsa like Yog, Pranayam, Dhyan etc.

6. Different types or Lep and Home remedies.


  • Does Ayurved works in the treatment of hair fall and graying of hairs?
    Yes. If Aayurvedic treatment is taken from time to time with the advise of the right Ayurvedic specialist, then Ayurvedic treatment is very successful in dealing with all types of hairfall.
  • How Ayurvedic treatment useful in this problem?
    Ayurved offers personal approach for each case and so increases the chances to have healthy hairs.
  • Is this Ayurvedic treatment has any side effects?
    As all Ayurvedic medicines are derived from nature so these medicines easily harmonizes in the body. Being timely tested over thousands of years Ayurvedic medicine is completely safe and effective too.
    Ayurvedic medicines have side benefits instead of side effects, when taken in consultation with a qualified Ayurvedic Doctor.

Being timely tested over thousands of years Ayurvedic medicines are completely safe and effective too.
Ayurvedic medicines have side benefits instead of side effects when taken in consultationa with a qualified Ayurvedic Doctor.